Follow these 15 crucial steps to sell your home fast!

Does low inventory have you worried about getting you into your dream home? That’s what I’m here for! Following these steps will help strengthen your position in a seller’s market!

  1. Educate yourself on the Market. Ask ME! I will research the current market activity in the area where the home is located.

  2. When a new listing is available, set up a showing as soon as possible and write the offer right away if it is the house for you. If you wait, the property could be gone.

  3. Write your highest and best offer. It shortens negotiating time and the chance for other buyers to come in.

  4. Find out when the Sellers prefer to close and use that closing date.

  5. Put down a large Earnest Money deposit to show that you’re serious.

  6. Use appropriate deadlines in offers and counter offers. Short deadlines don’t necessarily put you in a good position. Sellers may feel pushed and potentially more reluctant when given aggressive deadlines.

  7. Use e-signatures to make negotiating quicker.

  8. Keep contingencies to a minimum. For every contingency added, the less appealing the offer will look to the sellers. Only include what is necessary for you to purchase the home and have peace of mind. (Don’t skip the home inspection!)

  9. Don’t get worked up over inclusions and personal property: Focus on what is most important! If the wine fridge isn’t included, don’t try negotiating it into the offer when competing.

  10. Have strong financing terms - use a reputable lender and have the highest down payment possible, etc.

  11. Send a pre-approval letter with your offer.

  12. Write a letter to the seller telling them what you love about their home! Before determining how to write the letter, try to find out some info about the sellers. You want to be addressing the correct audience.

  13. Don’t give up if you get a multiple counter offer; you can make a multiple counter offer at a higher price.

  14. Use an accelerator clause.

  15. If the seller won’t pay for a home warranty, offer to pay for it.

  16. A competitive market doesn’t have to slow down your home search! Be prepared and work with an Agent who knows what moves to make to help you stay ahead of the game!


5 Important forms of documentation needed to get pre-approved for a home.


The ultimate guide for buyers in search of a home.